Organic Content Marketing For Your Small Business - Benefits Explained

Organic Content Marketing For Your Small Business - Benefits Explained

How to unlock the power of social media content marketing for your small business. Build trust, attract talent, and showcase your passion while measuring success with key metrics.

Introduction To Social Media Marketing

Organic content marketing for your small business is a way for your company to present itself within your community. Whether that’s a local community in your small town or a nationwide community of people who share the same passion. Showing up on the relevant social media platforms is your way of sharing your message and having a presence.

What to Look For In Social Media Marketing

Community Building - Your business has a voice in the community. Sharing your message makes you an involved member of the space around you.

Team Building - Rally the troops. Social media content gives team members the chance to share their expertise and take pride in the work they are doing.

Establishing trust with customers - People trust people they are familiar with. By consistently presenting your business, team members, products, and services online, your viewers develop a sense of familiarity with you even though they may have never met you. This initial trust makes them more comfortable doing business with you one day.

Note: At Launch Kit, this has been one of the biggest wins from our content marketing efforts. Because we put our team members front and center online, when prospective clients come to us, they already feel like they know us because they’ve seen us talking in videos online. This existing trust makes closing deals a breeze.

Becoming a thought leader in the industry - As an expert in your field of business, you possess a unique set of knowledge. You have your own perspective. Believe it or not, this perspective and wisdom are valued by others who share a common interest or are looking to educate themselves. By sharing your thoughts online, you become a valuable source of information to those around you. People tune in when you have something useful to say.

Attracting employee talent - The right employees can be a make-or-break for your business. Instead of bending over backward, hoping you find them through an ad, what if they came to you looking to join the team? Showcasing your culture online makes this possible. Give an inside look at what it’s like being part of the team. You'll naturally attract others who share the same feelings by showcasing your values, mission, and vision for the business.

Sharing your passion with the community - As a small business owner, you certainly take pride in what you’ve built. Organic social media marketing is a way of sharing that passion with the people around you. Share with the world what you’re working on. Make note of the significant impact that your business has.

How We Measure Success


  • General brand awareness in the community
  • Business name recognition
  • New connections forming
  • Attracting employee talent
  • Gaining initial trust with potential customers
  • Team members take pride in showing their work


  • Number of posts made - this is equivalent to showing up to the gym.
  • Impressions - how many times people saw your content.
  • Google My Business engagements - how often people are interacting with your business profile on Google.
  • Audience size - followers and email contacts across all platforms.
  • Website traffic - how many visits your site gets each month.
  • Video view duration - a measure of whether people enjoy your videos.

We hope you found this article insightful on what to look for when doing organic content social media marketing for your small business. If you’re looking to get started on the journey, we recently wrote this article ( on the monthly routine we recommend for executing consistent social media marketing.

If you could use some help, send us a message. We’d love to learn more about your company and see if we can be of service. Launch Kit provides full-stack social media management, photo/video content creation, graphic design, and advertising.

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