Business Logo Design Service - Based in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Business Logo Design Service - Based in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Launch Kit works with small business’s to provide professional logo design through our proven process that creates brand consistently. View our pricing online.

Professional Logo Design Service

A consistent, recognizable identity across all customer touch points. The logo and colors seen on your website match the printed marketing material, which is in line with the merchandise worn by your team members, which can also be seen across your social media platforms. You even have a defined color palette and font selection that can be used each time you’re creating a new piece of material. This is what we’re creating with a brand development project.

Launch Kit works with small business to provide professional logo design as a service. Our marketing agency is based in Grand Rapids, Michigan and through our proven process, we are able to provide remarkable results for clients nationwide. We create logo designs that are easy to use across all print and digital applications to ensure consistency in your businesses presence. No more struggling with outdates or lost logo files. Get ready to increase your brand awareness.

We have taken time to craft two outstanding brand development packages.

Logo Kit - $2,950

Logo Kit by Launch Kit is the best small business logo design service for those looking to professionally present their business across all touch points in a cost effective and timely manner.

With our Logo Kit offering, you work directly with your dedicated Launch Kit graphic designer to create a logo, color palette and font selection.

What’s included in Logo Kit?

  1. Mood board.
  2. Color palette.
  3. Font selection.
  4. Logo design.

Our Exact Process For Logo Kit

  1. Exploration - A two-hour conversation to understand your vision for the new logo. As a team, you will assemble a mood board that brings your ideas to life. This can take place via Google Meet or in the office.
  2. Logo Design - We allocated two weeks to put the headphones on, brew coffee, and create logo concepts. All designs are Michigan-made by our in-house team. We'll get together for a presentation either in person or via Google Meet.
  3. Artwork Approval - Once revisions are made and we're all thrilled with the new logo design, we create a preview of all your material. A signature here gives us the go-ahead to build out the official Logo Kit for your business.
  4. Logo Kit Delivery - Delivered via Google Drive, your Logo Kit is a folder structure that houses all logo files for print and digital use in various colorways.

Logo Kit for Filotto CPA

Brand Design - $4,950

Brand Design by Launch Kit is our premiere brand development offering. Through the Brand Design process, we deep dive to understand your core values as a framework that determines how your business will make decisions. We use those values to build an ideal customer persona. By understanding exactly who your customer is, we’re able to effectively position your brand in the competitive marketplace. With this understanding of what you stand for and who you serve, we’re then able to craft a unique identity that speaks directly to your ideal customers.

With our Brand Design offering, you’re working collaboratively with your dedicated Launch Kit designer to build a brand foundation that is ready to take your business to the next level. You’re creating a cohesive, synced vision for your team so that you can have all team members rowing in the same direction. Included in the Brand Design process, we design your logo design, color palette and font selection that will stand the test of time as your business grows.

What’s included

  1. Core values.
  2. Customer personas.
  3. Market analysis.
  4. Brand positioning.
  5. Brand voice.
  6. Stylescapes
  7. Logo design
  8. Color palette
  9. Font selection
  10. Brand guide book.
  11. Social media profiles photos.
  12. Social media banners.

Our Exact Process For Brand Design

  1. Brand Core - This initial two-hour workshop is about uncovering the motivations and reasoning behind how your brand will make decisions.
  2. Customers - Our second session explores who your customers are, what they resonate with, and how we will communicate with them.
  3. Brand Position - Now, it's time to define your brand personality. We will explore elements like tone and style to create your own flair.
  4. Brand Naming - We use data from previous sessions to create a new name, modify an existing one, or create a tagline.
  5. Stylesacpes - Now that we've figured out your core elements, we design two 56" panoramic mood boards to align our vision for the identity.
  6. Logo Design - With an agreed-upon vision, we sketch one-of-a-kind logos that stand out from the pack.
  7. Supporting Assets - With a logo established, we can build out assets like business cards and other marketing material.

How to get started on a logo design project

At Launch Kit we make getting started on your businesses logo design project super easy. Just click the link below to access our calendar and select a time for your introduction call. Your introduction call is a no-commitment, free 30-minute call that gives you the chance to ask questions, share with us your priorities and timeline. From there we have everything we need to select our logo design project kickoff date.

Schedule your introduction call HERE.

We look forward to working with you to craft your unique brand identity. An investment like this in your business is one that will shape the next 10 years of your business growth. We’re honored to be part of that journey. Feel free to call us at (616) 255-9823 if you have any immediate questions. Launch Kit is a full service marketing agency based in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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